How Can You Optimise for Working Remotely And Slow Travel?

As remote work continues to rise in popularity, many workers are taking advantage of the opportunity to combine remote work and slow travel. Learn in this blog what to consider!
How to Give Feedback in Global Virtual Teams?

Feedback is a crucial part of teamwork, as it can boost motivation, engagement, and performance within the team. Read in this blog on how to make your feedback more efficient when working in global virtual teams.
Why Visible Teamwork is Great for Your Hybrid Team?

Why visible teamwork matters: Sharing our work processes within an organization enhances our understanding of the diverse perspectives each team member offers. This awareness creates collaboration, innovation, and efficiency. Discover more insights in our detailed blog post!
How to Master Hybrid Meetings?

The day will come when we will again be able to decide freely how and where to hold a meeting. But one thing is already clear: in presence meetings will be much less frequent. Instead, we will get used to mixtures of remote and face-to-face. Read here how to master hybrid meetings.
How to Prepare Engaging and Productive Virtual Meetings?

An estimated 55 million meetings occur a day. Sadly, research suggests only around 50% of meeting time is effective and engaging. Unfortunately, these effectiveness numbers drop lower when it comes to virtual meetings. Learn how to prepare a productive virtual meeting.
How to Collaborate Effectively in Virtual Teams?

Virtual teamwork showed us that online teams work, but we still need to get better at leading, collaborating and communicating virtually. But how do we increase the feeling of togetherness on virtual teams?
How to Design Online Courses to Bring Learning Journeys Alive?

Designing workshops is about finding that balance between letting your learners create and discover knowledge, and your inputs as subject matter experts: that is not always an easy balance to find. Read on how to design learning journeys for the virtual space.
How to Design and Facilitate an Inclusive Virtual Training Program?

#IMPLUSION = Impact+Inclusion. This blog article summarizes the key elements to be considered before, during, and after a virtual training to ensure inclusion in the virtual space. Besides,, you will learn how you can address your own biases and use inclusive language.
How Can We Create Interaction With Breakout Rooms in Our Virtual Live Sessions?

Engagement and Interaction in virtual live sessions is the main question on everyone’s mind: What are important aspects to consider when planning breakout rooms, before – during, and afterwards?
How to Design a Virtual Onboarding Event for Newcomers?

Many organisations are still 80% remote, but not many have understood the importance of a proper virtual team building. Read on how to design and facilitate an EXTRAordinary virtual experience for your new team members!